san francisco area

Dream part time family assistant job in lovely San Francisco


Posted : 05/24/23

This darling family would be a dream to work with, and they are seeking their perfect family assistant. Both mom and dad work and they have two wonderful children, 13 and 5 who keep the family extremely busy and they need a lot of help. You will help with kid related administrative tasks; complete school forms, schedule appointments, keep a family calendar up to date, register for camps, help pay family bills, respond to emails, and various online research. They would even love if you can hep with meal prep. You must have a very positive attitude where no task is beneath you, and work well with a team (nanny housemanager housekeeper). This a part time job, roughly between 10-20 hrs a week and competitive pay all depending on experience. If this is a fit for you please reach out to me ASAP.

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