Santa Monica Baby Needs You
Posted : 01/01/70
Santa Monica Baby Needs You: Baby boy born in August to working parents needs a loving interactive full-time Nanny who can work M-F from app. 10am to 6pm with flexibility to come early or stay late on an as-needed basis. Candidates should have lots of newborn experience and LOVE pets because this household has two medium sized doggies & a cat. Pay will be on the books with paid time off. The ideal candidate has knowledge about developmental milestones — loves to read books & take courses related to early childhood and is willing to do light housekeeping when the baby sleeps. Cooking would be great too! This is a position for a Nanny who is PASSIONATE about children & child development, loves to play & engage and is looking for a long-term commitment. Family is conforming to CONSERVATIVE Covid-19 prevention practices and are seeking a like-minded Nanny who has MINIMAL exposure. Please reach out if interested. Thank you!
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