Truly Awesome Companion Position


Posted : 01/01/70

We are searching for an AMAZING social partner/companion to work full (or part) time for a super cool 25 year old woman who has Rett Syndrome. She needs a true partner who can help her fully execute her life. She is very bright and is interested in literature, horseback riding, exercising and so much more. She has a small team of experts who help her (i.e. an occupational therapist — a speech therapist etc … ) and you will liaise with all of them. She is non-verbal and uses a PC with word prediction software to communicate. She has poor fine motor skills so while she’s able to walk and do many things on her own — she needs assistance with almost everything. Our dream candidate is a college educated female peer who perhaps has a sibling or a friend with a disability &/or some sort of understanding as to what disability/neurodiversity is. We are looking for someone calm and empathic, organized and patient who will be happy to be learning and gaining experience. Candidates should have a high EQ as our client has some anxiety and can be moody. We are looking for someone who will be fully in tune with our client and will help her to live a joyful, busy and fully expressed life. Applicants don’t need to have exposure specifically to Rett Syndrome to be successful in this position. Mom, Dad, Siblings (there are two) and therapists will be there to help whomever is lucky enough to land this position be successful in it. Everyone understands that there will be a learning curve. The current Companion has been with our client for ten years. The rough schedule is 8/8:30am until 5/5:30pm, either Monday through Thursday or M-F. Truly, the schedule is somewhat flexible. Some days you’ll go to appointments, some days you’ll go to classes and help our client take notes, some days you’ll horseback ride — some days you’ll go out to lunch or to a movie — maybe you’ll get involved with volunteer work — the sky is the limit. This job is all about providing assistance in the areas of nonverbal communication, developing and expanding independent living skills, emotional support and helping coordinate for travel, transportation and other daily life activities. The goal is to help our client live life as independently as possibly and help her to access the world around her in ways she cannot on her own. This position offers a chance to be part of an amazing family. Please reach out if you are interested in this incredible opportunity. Thank you!

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