Looking for a MWF housekeeper for a gorgeous home in Garden City, NY
Posted : 09/18/24
We are helping a lovely family of 4 find a MWF housekeeper for their gorgeous home in Garden City, NY. There are 3 adorable Golden Retrievers in the home, so must love dogs! The hours will be 9-5, MWF. You will work alongside a partner and tag team. There is daily laundry, daily cleaning, a guest home that requires routine cleaning and changing of sheets when guests are in town, meal prep, chopping fruits and veggies, and standard housekeeping duties. The home is 10,000 square feet with 6 bedrooms. The house manager will have a schedule for you to follow and a checklist to complete before your shift is over. The family is very kind and their last housekeeper was with them for 20 years! If this sounds like your dream job, send us your resume! heather@thehelpcompany.com
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